速報APP / 遊戲 / Go Go GEEZER



檔案大小:87.8 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 4.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:日語, 英語

Go Go GEEZER(圖1)-速報App

Gather Geezers in the pub and collect them all!

Find out new and peculiar things about this mysterious "Geezer" creature.

・Place beverages on the table!

Go Go GEEZER(圖2)-速報App

First of all, gather as many Geezers as possible to the pub.

One of the Geezer's characteristics are how they will come dashing when they sense the smell of alcohol. Let's use this characteristic and lure the Geezers to our pub by placing beverages and wait.

・Catch and collect the Geezers!

Go Go GEEZER(圖3)-速報App

Just by tapping the gathered Geezers you can catch them.

By swiping the screen you can catch all of them in one swipe!

・Check your charts!

Go Go GEEZER(圖4)-速報App

All your collected geezers will automatically be registered in your charts.

There you will also find details about the different kinds of Geezers and things you had never known about this peculiar creature.

Study this bizarre creature, collect all sorts and be blown away by the mysteries of their ecology.

Go Go GEEZER(圖5)-速報App
